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To be fair, I find this decision based off what might be considered a 'moral outrage' and that's what actually bothers me about this ban. If this was more about the fear of potential Copyright infringement and/or other trouble involving law, then I would understand more.

Why ban good pictures that were heavily more creative through generation just because what, it copies an artist's style? Or a bunch of multiple pictures to be used for what might be ruled as transformative? What's the difference between that and what thousands of furry artists has always been doing? Just a machine. But again, if this ban was out of uncertainty of potential legal issues, then I would not be as much bothered.

We seriously need to expand the public domain with new good arts, assuming a lot of these AI arts can be public domain of course. There is the fact that AI-generation programs can sometimes help create new good shapes to be inspired for good works. Does the owner of FA have problems with many arts inspired by a result of one too?


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