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I have to agree here on everything related to it being a kickstarter - I also have major issues when people don't update funded projects (Tangletorn for an example in the furry fandom, though this was recently updated after many years with no acknowledgement of the time that had passed), and you *cannot* nor should not just allow problems like that or maintenance of a project just get forgotten.

I must say on my part, however, and why I didn't make it a topic of conversation -

First of all, this interview is part of a regular series that follows a format of starter questions that allow the artist in question to do most of the talking (making it about them as much as possible). I'm just trying to be as neutral as possible and as efficient as possible when it comes to reading quality. Unless I enter the interview with a specific agenda of what to find out rather than just to explore things about the person in general, it's up to them what they address or ignore.

Second of all, the 'next album' question was added last second and out of that usual format due to my seeing Niic's release tweet after finishing the rest of the interview. That tweet was my only information about the album altogether, and I asked a question based on that. The album has even been retitled from the original, so I had no way of knowing about a kickstarter from four years ago so that I could angle the question in that way.

Overall, however, definitely a period of time needing mention and apology, but I can only hope that the announced release is a starting point and that the questions of the people will be met well. Admittedly this interview is a lost potential platform for those questions (and I think that's what you mean), but hopefully it opens the door regardless.

Doppelfoxx. Two foxes, forever.


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