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Was not aware of this myself, but yeah, that could have been something to touch on.

Given the 'situation' that occurred in 2020, it could have been understandable, but that does not excuse lack of communication on the backer page.

If they're their own PR manager it can be tough, especially if one-on-one customer relations isn't their thing. I am assuming promotional PR they are find with since they had gotten promotional interviews a few times.

Checking on any fundraisers you have going to scan through new comments and such should have some priority. At the bare minimum give a written status and ETA should be once every three months (or "quarter"), to borrow from the 'capitalist/corporatist pigs'.

Doing such a thing is not just for your 'investors', doing a quarterly assessment can help you as the creator and those who work for you (if applicable) to know the current direction, challenges, and goals to keep yourself motivated.


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