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I've got to say, you asked really softball questions here, especially just allowing the "long awaited next album" euphemism. It's actually something I have tossed up writing about multiple times. Remember that Escape The Humans (though I guess now retitled to just Escape) was a Kickstarter project where people donated almost $12 000 to him for an album which was supposed to be released in December 2018. You might notice it is almost four years later and that album has still not been released nor was anyone's money ever refunded.

Now, fingers crossed, we'll see the album released by December 2022 but a four year delay is not something that should just be brushed aside. Yes, we got an update now, in August 2022. But let's not forget that the previous update was in July 2020 and promised that live updates were about to resume. Two years of silence after being promised updates! In 2019 there was only one update in February and then silence for the rest of the year. There were regular messages from backers on the project page asking what was going on or asking for their money back, all of which were met with silence.

The interview should have touched a lot more on the broken promises and how he plans to restore trust.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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