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On one hand, I totally get what Rakuen is saying here about Sing, because it's a story about a business that is actually a business in the real world. They're producing shows, not, like, the concept of music itself. I mean, some cartoon exaggeration and simplification aside, that's how they make plays and concerts and shows like that. It's called show business, after all.

But, I also get why dronon is listing it, which is the same as why I'm not a big fan of either movie, and that's because it just feels very corporate. The characters in the movie, even the nominal protagonist, the Matthew McConaughey koala, whatever he was called, Mr. Moon or something, are more interested in making a hit show than a good show, but worse than that, seem to conflate them. If Luck is about turning, well, luck into a product, the Sing movies are about turning art into product. The only difference is that the second one is something we do in real life, but whether or not we should is just not a question Sing or Sing 2 is interested in at all.

(Okay, also one both the article and dronon missed, Turbo; the snails eating food is treated as a punch clock job in the movie's opening.)


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