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Okay, first off, did "mark as spam" the double post (shit happens), kept this one because it's the one Joe replied to, and that would've got folded up too. Maybe Green Reaper'll get bored and thread it correctly; maybe not. Not a big deal.

But, main point, I think I better take my own advice and, if not exactly "drop the mic", at least quit while I'm, uh, not behind, anyway. It was nice to have an actual adult conversation with adults actually acting like adults for once, so that's a point in your argument's favor, I guess, but I think the real point is this fandom is big enough for the both of us. And also other people! And if you ever need some place to gripe about something, well, it would be more than a little hypocritical of me to say Flayrah's comment sections are off limits. That's what we're here for! [Editor's Note: That is not actually what we're here for.] Maybe pick a more recent story, next time, though!

Well, I will bid you adieu, goodnight, and, uh, good luck, I guess.



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