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This is exactly the kind of behaviour I'm talking about, Green Reaper and (new?) anon (Sonious isn't, not griping at him today). Literally, once again, gatekeeping.

What do you think you were fighting for? Okay, okay, you used "played defense", which is not exactly the same thing as "fighting for", but why did you think you needed to defend yourself against accusations from CYD, ED, etc.? The whole purpose of the exercise is so the next generation of furries wouldn't have to. That's what I mean when I say we won. "Everyone wanting to join in" was the end goal.

So you had to "shift your behaviorisms". That's called growing up. You want to keep the kids out so you can keep getting drunk and sharing porn without consequence; I mean, thanks for the honesty, but when you actually put it out there like that, it kind of sounds, well, sad. Like, and, okay, now I am going to be mean again, but a lot of you guys sound like you're the cartoon of a middle-aged man with the combover at the club pulling out his disco moves (which is itself, admittedly, an image about 3 to 4 decades old now). But it's kind worse, because you're not just an old guy desperately holding on to their misspent youth; you're an old guy desperately holding on to your misspent youth while simultaneously trying to keep the actual youth from living theirs.

And it's not like there weren't weird groomers back in the day, Jesus Christ. Or teenagers in adult areas; good lord, the adult section of FurryMUCK was run by a 15 year old for a while. When I saw him live, 2 the Ranting Griffin literally had a bit about accidentally spraying a child in his audience with alcohol while simulating a sex act on stage; during the same performance, his opening act got embarrassed and apologized for his dead baby joke to the parent of the infant in the front row. I was there back in the day, too. Not only do I remember there were always kids, I was one of the kids present.

I don't know about Europe and Green Reaper (makes me proud to be an American), but you did say your "tiptoeing" around the kids, which means, once again, you're "growing up", but this time, I mean it as a compliment. Maybe people were "tiptoeing" around you when you were a kid, and you just didn't realize it. Probably, actually. I mean, you're an anon, I have no idea your actual age, obviously, even if you are the original "millennial" poster, still. But, we're going to assume we're about the same age, because, sure, why not. Makes it easier. From my perspective, I guess Twitter bullshit doesn't bother me now because I was in the thick of the Portal of Evil/Crush!Yiff!Destroy! shit, and on one hand, it does suck how some things don't change. But, on the other hand, some things do change.

And I can understand conflicted feelings about this change. Like, I remember reading about a Doctor Who fan visiting they're old grade school and seeing a kid's art and craft Dalek, and remembering that, when he attended that school, they would've gotten beaten up for that. And their feelings were very conflicted, because they wanted to be happy things were better, but they admitted they mostly just felt jealousy.

To end on a more positive note, as another aging hipster once put it, "Right now, we've got freedom and responsibility. It's a very groovy time."


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