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Okay there are some points I wanna address.

“The reasoning why many anthropomorphic dogs and foxes are attractive is precisely because of the animal parts it has,”
“Furry porn in its nature was based on real animals.”
so basically you are saying all forms of furry NSFW are zoophilia.
Just throwing this out there but both the ICD and DSM recognize zoophilia as a mental disorder.

“won't say how zoophiles should be handled though (I am not the biggest expert here), except that nobody should be breaking the law and that no one (zoophile or not) should be forbidden from enjoying lawful furry content especially since taking away such content might end up pushing many zoophiles to go after animals instead.” that sounds like saying banning Lolicon would led pedos to go after children.

“Except for any art involving a victim, it's a fiction.”
I kinda agree with this point. It’s fiction, just because you like playing violent video games doesn’t mean you want to commit violence in real life.

Also I disagree regarding your stance that liking NSFW furry art (that involves standing on two legs) is like NSFW feral art.
For example Lola bunny doesn’t look like or act like a bunny in any way. Lola looks so far off from a bunny it’s some can say she’s merely just a very stylized and cartoony human being.
This can also go for thundercats, zootopia, and etc.


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