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you couldn't debate a kindergartener,

And you suck fucking balls at it, yourself. Your comments could not suck more balls if they were literally a mouth, full of balls, going "phphphphph".

I mean, seriously, you picked as your topic of choice "bestiality is bad" and your self chosen opponent is *checks notes* fucking Diamond Man (and maybe a sockpuppet account? I don't think we ever cleared that up.). This isn't low hanging fruit. This shit is fucking on the ground. And, I gotta tell ya, man, you're losing.

You're just screeching at him "YOU FUCK DOGS, SMALL CHILDREN, AND ALSO SMALL DOGS, DON'T YOU!?!?!?!?" and he's all like, "uh, no". And, I got hand it to the stupid fucker, that's actually a pretty good counter to your screeching. But you've kept at it for literally a month now, and, Jesus Christ, dude, get a life. Holy shit. To go back to the thing I got you blockquoted up there in, you yourself say he's not very good at debating. So drop the mic on him and get the fuck out, already!

But you can't because you suck.

Also, stop inlining links to fucking cub and bestiality porn into the fucking comments section, what the fuck is wrong with you?


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