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Really interesting comment.

I have often seen a bunch of furries try to create a somewhat movement against many cases of NSFW furry feral porn, and somewhat harassment toward some other members, but I have never seen a case this bad before. I don't know if this is related, but I also seen a less related Twitter post about someone liking Nala in a "perverted" way, complaining claiming that she is an animal, and the post gained over 100,000 likes. Though I don't know if that kind of post counts as Callout Culture against certain feral furries. YouTube would be great, but I've seen some similar drama rise through certain videos.

I often hate the 'political' thing in the furry fandom, but if there is a 'political' movement that is protecting our rights, including the right to enjoy something that isn't any different than most two-legged furry porn, then I'm generally much for it. I really wish big great furry creators would be brave enough to properly call out those puritan arguments by explaining that there is nothing wrong with perfectly legal and entirely victimless furry feral NSFW artwork.


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