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Most young people are unaware of history and that there is always horrible people that you share the world with, but there are also good people you share the world with. Coming out of high school I certainly had some holes in that understanding, college filled some of those gaps, but I'm learning new things even to this day about just how horrible things in the past actually were.

For instance I was 36 years old when I learned of the Tusla massacre in "Black wallstreet", though I do remember learning in highschool about Kent State. So it's not like the school was being 100% rosy, but it did leave some things out. Also learning that the penultimate scene of Oh Brother Where Art Thou was a Black town being flooded two decades after its release was... something. Certainly made me understand why they hung on the scene for so long, and the song choice there.

Metaphor and subtilty usually are utilized in a lot of media of the era perhaps because we're now seeing what happens when you're not subtle.

So life is just trying to do better for oneself and other while being wary of the existence of the irremovable ills within society.

Unfortunately, one of the main tactics that bad people use, is to try and cast their sins onto good people. It's why the word groomer went from a word used to describe people who abuse by coaxing people into doing things against their best interest to a slandering word toward the existence of consenting adults. It helps cover for those doing the coaxing while attacking people who are not harming anyone, making the language used to bring attention to a problem a problem in and of itself.


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