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I have updated the article twice (one for one small thing but another for some other things). Though to avoid misleading nature, I will state that I think this article was voted 11 times before such two updates was given. I don't agree with rating bombs due to outrage but I still feel obligated to avoid making it look like it was rated with the inclusion of the updates.

What was updated:
Adjusted a sentence in Point 4.
Deleted an editor note involving the career topic for certain cub related content.
Added extra context in Point 3 and an extra commentary later down the line within the same point.
Added Point 5.
Extra note right before points.

I think that's all I remembered. Apologized for missing anything else here.

I don't think I will often update the article for new points. If I feel like there needs to be another somewhat similar debate involving this topic, then maybe I will one day try to make a separate article for that. Though I feel a little discouraged due to certain mentally deluded freaks attacking good commentary here. Also one person further promoted harassment toward KaimTime with lunatic conspiracy attitude.

Added update here, adjusted the last sentence. Wasn't saying that the lunatic thing was a good commentary. Comment was rated two times before I tried updating this comment twice later today.


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