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Maybe to better explain my view. If there was an intelligent animalistic creature in real life, then consent would make sex acceptable.
However, the person who is looking for feral porn is just justifying a paraphilia. The person is already attracted to animals and is looking for a way to make that acceptable.

Yes, we're all aware of this.

It's a loophole, and people are using and abusing said hole, if you'll pardon the phrasing, but if you try to close the loophole you take out swaths of innocent (or at least, you know, not innocent but not innocent in a good way) stuff with it. So the loophole stays open. Wake me up when we catch a real dogfucker; until then, use a blocklist Half the reason sites like that use tags is for you those who want to avoid things as much as for people who want to find things. Though I suspect a lot of those complaining about it are half getting off to being morally superior to it despite they damn well know they had to look for it to find it. Hey, I spent a year on Portal of Evil back in 2000s, I've been there. It's fun. Just try to remember "bestiality is bad" is not actually a very brave moral stance, even if it is correct.

And, while we're here, paraphilia is not a bad word. Okay, mostly we're dealing with run of the mill cartoon fetishes, which is technically known as schediaphilia, and extends to all cartoon characters, human, animal, vegetable or mineral. The fact that these things are not real, and either can't or shouldn't be done in real life, is most of the appeal. A person who fetishizes cartoon animals is not the same thing as a person who likes real animals. There is overlap, but less than you might think.


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