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I know a place that argued against a similar argument like that. Let me find it...

Argument: "But it's like the cub thing! It's also like the 1000 year old thing!"

Why those two arguments failed: The issue with minors is that they don't consent. The issue with animals is that they don't consent. It's solved with a being being an adult and is consensual. Not only that, but even with the "It's like the 1000 year old excuse" argument, then I'll tell you this: Do you really truly want to compare it? Would you freak out if an adult human body had a realistic or even somewhat cartoony child head on it? Yes? Then why would you be alright with an animal head on top of a human adult looking body then? Let that sink in!

Anthropomorphic animals by nature are animals, but with human characteristics added in some way. The preferences for many people is a scale, and there is no real difference between a human body with a wolf head on it than Nick Wilde, and neither is an unrealistic or somewhat realistic "feral" shaped being that has emotional human-like faces and/or is sapience. It's all within the anthropomorphic scale (as defined), and part of the reasoning why such anthropomorphic characters were attractive is because of the non-human features (animals) that exist with them.

Besides, even the cub thing is a bit debatable alone. Why? Because some cubs don't even look like real children. Some are entirely lacking of a child look where the only "child-like" is a fictional label. So I don't even think a person is truly a pedophile for that alone. There is literally an adult looking "cat" looking character that apparently is supposed to be a 'baby dragon'. There is also the 'fiction' argument but I'm putting that aside for this article."


Besides Anon. I can't take your morals much seriously if you think talking, less realistic looking (if so), and sapient beings is just another zoophilia, but then turn around and prefer two-legged walking animals just because two legs. I got a feeling you didn't even read the article.


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