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It's not off base to wonder, it is off base to make a conclusion and accuse, which is how Garrison started off her first comment:

I happened to find this article while looking through the Recommended List on the Ursa Major awards web site. Now I understand why my comic strip has not appeared on the list this year.

Apparently, Sonious was upset that I managed to win three different categories in 2021.

On a separate note, I notice the first paragraph of this anon comment I'm responding to is in third person and the second paragraph is in the first when referring to Garrison in both cases?

I do feel like you're changing gears here. It's not off-base to wonder why she wasn't on the list after two of her fans said that they would recommend her;


That paragraph sounds like I'm trying to implicating the ALAA in something

Shouldn't the sentence read "That paragraphs makes it sound like she's trying to implicate the ALAA in something?

Wonder if the poster has ever played Amongus?


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