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I do feel like you're changing gears here. It's not off-base to wonder why she wasn't on the list after two of her fans said that they would recommend her; even if neither of them are the fan that *usually* does it, both of them just forgetting to do it or changing their minds is a tall order, especially since one of them is a frequent collaborator with her. And her motivations are irrelevant here, considering that Mary Lowd's stories all make the list without fail (and we're talking about Garrison's comic, her main output, not any other category).

That paragraph sounds like I'm trying to implicating the ALAA in something, but...I think the person (a single person) running the Rec List honest-to-god just missed the email. I know this, because I submit a bunch of items to the List every year and sometimes I'll have to re-submit due to them not making the List on that week's update. Furthermore, I've started submitting items to the list-runner's personal email because I imagine the [email protected] email's inbox is a trek. So, that's my theory on what happened; greymuzzles with day jobs, running a website and multiple inboxes through volunteer work, missed a few emails and no one tried following up or submitting Carry On again. Nothing malicious, just a case of accidents and miscommunication colliding with inopportune timing. I can't see them intentionally leaving off Carry On, especially since, as I type, there are two single page bara pornography comics from artist Dashthefox under the Comic Strip section on the 2022 list.

So no, the ALAA weren't being shifty but I don't think Garrison's wrong for asking questions either. And, like, her not submitting her own work to the Rec List puts the "using the Ursas for self-promotion" thing into question, right?


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