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Well, there you go, you learned from your mistakes.

I obviously saw the "Fur Your Consideration" article and saw what you were doing, but I didn't say anything because I didn't think that would, you know, help anything.

As far as "projecting emotion", yeah, sure, whatever, here's the thing, I did the exact same thing. You remember Avatar over Fantastic Mr. Fox, right? So I got pissed about that, wrote a long, rambling opinion piece that didn't help anything, pissed everyone off, and honestly, in hindsight, came off a little "gatekeepy". Then I started reviewing things and doing a top ten year list, and a decade later I'm two for two for Best Anthropomorphic Motion Picture currently and holding my breath to see if I can go three for three against tough competition this year. Hell, you've done this before. When the Skyrim expansion won, you did a top five video games for like a year and then wimped out. You got to stick with it, is the thing.

Sonious, buddy, you seemed a little hurt when I defended the short about the gas station. I believe you when I say you don't hold a grudge, and I even believe you believe you didn't "write angry" when you wrote this article. But you did write, by your own admission, "disappointed". You did write emotionally.

Anyway, the point I'm making here is if Avatar: The Way of Water wins this year, then never mind all this shit, just burn it to the ground.


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