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And last year, Sonious went out of his way to give the nominated short "Fossils" a bit of a push, and you personally (yes, you) made that completely wasted effort. It would have been one thing if it had just, you know, lost. But it steamrolled by your fans, who didn't even care about "Fossils" existence and just voted for your name next to a, well, I'll be charitable this time and call it "not very good" pseudo-animation (and I don't care that someone else was the primary nominee who did the work, we all know it was about your name, let's not pretend otherwise). You kind of hurt his feelings doing that; he didn't call you an asshole to your face, that's my thing, but he probably wanted to.

Try not to project emotions about how others are feeling. Did the situation inspired me to analyze the system of voting? Sure, it inspired me to write an article.

It was mostly due to how well documented the system was tested along with some disappointment toward those who did work hard on their art (yes particularly the animations) losing to someone who put the bare minimum into campaigning. Self promotion in the fandom is a very tricky thing, as some artists such as Cassady are coming to find. It is very easy for furries to look down on someone who has self-esteem, as unfortunately they're used to being mistreated by those who have it.

But while I take a poke at the systems, I hold no grudges, just think about how I can handle things differently in the future to make things more approachable.

So instead of replying to comments here, I put together a spreadsheet of items to watch and rated them and wrote an article about the dramatic short works. That's why this article exists:

I wrote the article about fossils when it came out, so by the time the Ursas came around it had been forgotten by most.

I figure this is a better approach to things. Show people the good thing in the prior year as opposed to talking about them when everyone else is and then forgotten by the time the Awards roll around. Display the options that people have to vote on and remind them that there are good works out there, not just people you like.

I'm doing the same for this year and probably from here on out. For if the Ursa's purpose is to highlight content worth viewing, then that purpose can be provided, irregardless of the outcome.


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