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For the record, crossie was nominated for an Ursa by way of being managing editor of Flayrah over 2014-16, a time when things were at risk of falling apart because I couldn't give the site the time it deserved due to other commitments.

He's written a lot for Flayrah over the years; and after the stress of dealing with carrying the editorial burden (and commenters) as well as his actual job resulted in a meltdown like one of those monsters who got too much determination in Undertale, he returned and wrote a bunch more.

So yeah, he's a hack, but at least he's a persistent one. It'd be nice if he could avoid lashing out in defense of others who don't need it.

I suspect he might actually like that smoke-filled room idea, but only because he has a different concept of what furry should be, leading to frequent disappointment when the fandom gets involved.


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