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I guess you're probably not a big fan of political campaigns, either, are you, 2cross?

How do you think people should be nominated for stuff? Wait around for pixies to hit them with wands? Or maybe there should be a smoke-filled room where a cabal of secret Electors look through Patreon and pick the five highest money earners in each category to be the nominees, or maybe they select five people with the highest number of YouTube hits. Clearly those folks are very popular and so they deserve to be rewarded even more for their amazingness.

In order for normal people to get the word out, they have to actually let people know, and appeal for support. The people they contact don't have to vote for them. No one is threatening pets or holding guns to anybody's head. Folks will vote for whoever they want to vote for, or not vote at all.

I suppose it all depends on whether you agree with the winners. I notice that the Wikipedia entry for "Helluva Boss" lists winning an Ursa Major Award--and being nominated for one, so I guess someone who likes that series thought it was a big enough deal to be worth mentioning.

I don't know why I'm even bothering to continue this debate with you. I no longer have the inclination to argue with a jealous hack who couldn't get nominated as dog catcher.


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