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Yeah, the CUM joke is where it went off the rails.

And I was worried it was too gross, not subtle.

Though, to be clear, I don't think the conversation started civil. I'm sure Garrison felt attacked by the article, on one hand, and on the other, Mink and Yealurowluro felt their organization was also under fire. And both parties are justified for feeling this way. Like, I'm saying Sonious might not have said anything sucks, but he did imply it. You don't offer to fix something if you don't think it's broken.

Then the comments section is every Tom, Dick and Harry adding their unsolicited opinions on how the Ursa Majors suck. Once again, they may not have said it directly, but it sure was implied. I'm going to be honest, here, but the reason I feel at least a little justified for acting like a dick is because everybody is. This was never a good idea. To extend your aphorism, the pooch was not a virgin.

Also, you see what I mean about nobody accepting apologies? I specifically didn't apologize, and explained in the comment why people shouldn't even bother anymore, and the first comment is literally "you aplogized wrong!" because it's automatic at this point. I agree, the civil thing to do would be to apologize, but once again, I don't take you guys at your word that you'll do the civil thing yourself and just accept it.

Also, fine, #NotAllAnons. But definitely some.


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