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You know what, I'm just gonna blame the CUM anon.

No, really, I tried to make a joke upthread to diffuse the tension, and then Mink made the perfect genuine response, and ... then some anonymous jerk decided they had to take another mean-spirited swipe at me and Mink's Ursa Majors, and was in such an excited rush to do it they missed the joke. Of course, me being angry on Mink's behalf actually led me to hurt him, but, silver lining, him asking me to please stop did, well, stop me, so things somehow managed to not escalate for once. Other, than, obviously, the original snark at Garrison.

Like, I've got anons out the ass just bugging me all the time because I didn't like Sing one time (I honestly think that really might be this particular bug up this particular anon's ass; I mean, I can't be sure, not my first time being a jackass on the Internet, and they are anonymous, but I think the one who likes to call me a "hack" is mad about Sing), so actually thank you so much for not being anonymous, first of all, but also I'm a little on edge all the time. I can't even use Flayrah's rating system to judge whether I'm doing any good because just automatic anonymous one stars on every comment and submission, on even the most innocuous stuff. A little frustrating.

And also cranky, because I don't like this article. I should've put this in the snark comment, but like I feel like, yeah, Sonious went too far, honestly, and it's one thing to call Garrison out like an asshole in the comments, but, like posting a whole article calling for the overhaul of the entire awards system was also a bit much. And yes, there's the paragraph saying this isn't about Garrison, and Sonious, bless his heart, he's a friend and a good guy, probably even believes that, but, I mean, what the fuck else is he talking about. And, the thing is, this is a self-solving problem. I don't think Garrison is an idiot; rude one time, sure, but likely to take the hint and back down this year. Or, fuck, maybe other people will figure out they can do it too, and if everybody does it, it's not a problem. Ironically, just wish everybody would shut up. The awards had a bad year. It happens. Let's move on.

I don't really take back anything I said, though. Maybe how I said it. You can explain to me how there were other contributors to the non-comic strip wins, but it's like Sonious saying this article wasn't about Garrison. It was always about Garrison, and everybody knows it. And as to your objection that I'm saying Garrison shouldn't try new things, well, no, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying if Garrison genuinely wants to get into new things, that's great. However, while "suck" may have a been a bit strong, maybe it's a little early to consider these works "award-worthy". (I also I am not entirely sure where you got the anti-crossover vibe? But I was writing angry; it's quite possible there was a lack of clarity in the writing. Not award-worthy, either.)

More directly to Garrison, I don't think you should apologize, to me or anyone else. Personally, I didn't ask for one. I mean it when I say you did nothing really wrong. (Furthermore, I don't think it'll help; off topic, but between you and me you know even if you say sorry some asshole will be all "you apologized wrong!" and what the fuck does that even mean?)

Other than that, I did like the contribution to the ALAA suggestion, and also, it's bothering me, but it's actually spelled "pissant". I can't help myself.


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