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What I find interesting is how you, 2croas, were able to have a mature discussion until KGarrison some to you directly. Then suddenly it's all swearing and "I hate you," with a bunch of what you admitted is deliberately cruel remarks intended to hurt her. To whit, your entire statement is stimulus one big ad hominem attack and therefore nothing more than hot air and sour grapes. It's too bad, I was actually starting to respect your voice in this discussion, whether I agreed with you or not. All that is gone now, and I see that what really makes you mad is that KG had the remarkable audacity to expand beyond her central work. *gasp!* How dare she actually demonstrate growth as a person! And shame on HER for the actions of HER READERS voting for her other works. Sound we also punish the author of Countess Czhocula for his incredible writing talent finally being recognized, just because he crossed over into the Carry On Universe? That his writing got recognition because he connected it to ask existing fanbase? How many other artists have done the same? Heck, I became a furry back in 2000 because I followed a crossover between College Roomies From Hell and Clan of the Cats, and thence I discovered The Suburban Jungle, then 21st Century Fox and Freefall, and then Carry On, which was originally a spin-off from 21CF. I know many other furry artists have similar origins for their growth, anf furs who found the fandom that way, too. Hell, even superstars Garth Brooks and Chris LeDoux owe their fame to the release of Brooks' single, "Much to Young (To Be this Damn Old)" having the line "worn out tapes of Chris LeDoux." Next, you'll tell us that you want to condemn Michelangelo for being so good at drawing AND painting AND sculpture, or DaVinci for his mechanical studies and inventions, centuries ahead of their time, when all me had the right to do was paint Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. Collaboration, Expansion, and Skill Development are the hallmarks of a good artist. If you can't handle that, then kids not KGarrison's fault that you lack the maturity to celebrate it!


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