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When I was growing up, people were encouraged to strive to achieve things. Being a winner was looked upon as a good thing.

Now we're all expected to get participation trophies, and anyone who makes an effort is condemned for rocking the boat.

I was delighted with my trio of awards. I never expected to get all three categories. If any of the competing artists had wanted to, they could easily have walked away with a prize just my mentioning it to their vastly larger fan base.

If the Ursas have no relevance, then why did these artists' fans nominate them in the first place? The artist may have been completely unaware of the award, but somebody had to put their name in the ring, and more somebodies had to also nominate them, in order for that work to get on the ballot in the first place. So getting an Ursa clearly means something to some people. Otherwise there would be no nominations at all.


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