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Oh, that’s just straight up bullshit. Now, it is true you might wanna cut down on the porn, but that's how you know the "pros". If you're on e621 and an artist's tag gets no Es and few to no Qs, they're probably working as an animator and/or illustrator somewhere outside the fandom. I know an artist by the furry name of Pointed Fox worked on Zootopia. It’s his main claim to fame (well, that, and a nice, recognizable style of character art). And it's not exactly what you're talking about, but the artist I did an article on because they have an Epic Games "creator code" draws very explicit furry porn of Fortnite characters, furry porn which he is essentially being paid by Epic Games to create.

The whole "animation studios automatically blacklist furries" is very 2000s Portal of Evil/Crush!Yiff!Destroy! rhetoric. Dare I even say, that ol' furry boogeyman ... the BURNED FURS! *ominous thunder crash accompanied by musical sting on the soundtrack* That was kind of their main bit, right? That's what the name means; they got "burned" for being furries. Which, I mean, seems a bit like sour grapes. Just because YOU didn't get the Disney job doesn't mean they hate furries. They maybe just don't like YOU. (Seeing as how most of the Burned Furs were, you know, kind of assholes, not unreasonable to think they might not have the, uh, people skills a big corporation is looking for.)

Also, I mean, sour grapes the other way, you know, maybe the reason furries are getting to Ghibli levels of creativity is because, like Ghibli, they're independents working outside the big corporate entities. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Disney, but, like, you hear the creative process behind Zootopia, and it sounds like torture, man. Byron Howard is a hack, and I mean that in the nicest way possible, but he has two Oscars because was able to subsume his own creative vision to the company's, not because he's an auteur (that was Rich Moore ... the guy who left Disney). It works, but not for every creative.

But, actually, you sound like me a decade ago, if I'm being honest. I think you really want to review a movie. You certainly seem to have a good base of knowledge from what little you've allowed us to see in your sporadic comments. Not kidding at all, you got an upcoming movie you feel like you want a shot at, you tell me here, I'll back off (I mean, no promises someone else won't swoop in).


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