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That one could also work.

The one tricky part about it would be sharing the voting statistics since there would be three kinds of Rank 1, and two kinds of rank two, so you'd need to make those separate columns.

I think I may have included this in a rough draft somewhere, but then thought of how that system could be gamed.

Like if a person wanted to take advantage of the 3 points they could inform people to vote for them and then try and put their other three points distributed equally amongst the others using some kind of method like "If your Ursa Key ends in X vote for Candidate Y for Rank 2 or and Z for 3." to try and divide their other votes but still focus their 3 point vote.

This would not work on the ranked and run off system since they ranked them as number one, their other votes would not impact anything unless their first pick lost anyway.


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