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I got a huge laugh out of all the salt about the whole Gadget x Zipper thing to be honest. To me it just seemed like a goofy joke, but holy shit did some people take it really seriously. And reading some of the cringier comments I definitely had a good laugh.

I think this movie is a fun little spiritual successor to Roger Rabbit.

Also now that it's out on Netflix by the way, you should definitly do a review of Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness. (I think it deserves some love! I liked it a lot. And it'd actually be a real shame if furrydom missed out on that one just because it's not produced by the Evil Mouse Empire or some big name like that.)

Seriously, don't sleep on Chickenhare! ... Or do... whatever. But I'd recommend giving it a watch personally. (I'd take this one over that Turning Red crapola ANY day.)


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