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Pretty much, yeah. The "equal time" contract was such a piece of work that when the movie originally went to home video, they even had to be careful how they "pan-and-scanned" the scene with Bugs & Mickey (cropping the 16:9 movie frame to fit the 4:3 aspect ratio of standard-def TV sets, for those of you too young to remember those :D ) so that they would each have *exactly* the same amount of on-screen time even after the image was panned back and forth between them on each line of dialogue. Even the fact that Mickey pulls his parachute's ripcord a few frames before Bugs does, and thus disappears off the top of the screen a few frames earlier, had to be accounted for.

I don't envy the film-to-video transfer tech who had to deal with *that* pain in the butt!


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