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You are *very* wrong about "Roger Rabbit" if you think *that's* where the idea came from. The movie was based on a book, "Who Censored Roger Rabbit?", written by Gary K. Wolf and published in 1981, several years before the movie. Neither Spielberg nor Lucas had any involvement in the book, or in the subsequent movie script adapted from it; the script for the movie was written by Jeffrey Price and Peter Seaman. (Who, among other things, went on to write numerous episodes of the "Tales from the Crypt" series.)

Steven Spielberg was merely "executive producer" (which, in Hollywood-speak, means "guy who puts up the money or uses his industry clout to help get your movie into production"), and George Lucas wasn't involved in it beyond the fact that his FX company, Industrial Light & Magic, did a lot of the optical compositing work to combine the live-action and animation footage.

(And "Bugs meets Mickey Mouse" for less than 1 minute of screen time in a 104-minute movie. Seems a little strange to write a fan-fic in which your two main crossover characters appear for *literally* less than 1% of the story, and aren't even integral to the plot...)


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