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UPDATE: Just read a review that underlined this was the total premise of the film (not just one throwaway scene): Peter Pan takes revenge on the industry for dropping him when he hit puberty. I've absolutely NO interest in seeing a film building off an actual tragedy. (Plus I never liked Roger Rabbit anyway; I always thought it was the most expensive piece of fanfic ever created: George to Steve (or vice versa): hey, let's do a story where Bugs meets Mickey Mouse, and all the other characters exist in the real world...")

ORIGINAL COMMENT: there was one scene with Peter Pan lamenting that after he grew older that Hollywood basically just dropped him

Wow, I hope that line was just a gag from a writer who wasn't familiar with Bobby Driscoll's (Peter Pan's voice actor) story--otherwise it was in ghoulishly poor taste. (FYI: )

- Joe


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