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Oh, you are just trying to get me in trouble.

Basically, no, Lilo & Stitch is also not technically furry, and Ratchet & Clank ... well, I've never actually owned a Playstation in my life, so I can't really claim first hand knowledge ... but also probably no (also, for that matter, The Shape of Water). For me, I need a specific animal being anthropomorphisized, and Stitch, the Na'vi, the lombaxes, wookies, whatever, are something different. That being said it's very obvious that furries just like non-human creatures in general, and I'm not interested in having anyone hand in their con-badges. I actually voted for How To Train Your Dragon (which isn't even anthropomorphic) in 2010 (because, honestly, the good stuff wasn't really furry, and the furry stuff wasn't good that year), though you'll notice that I specifically did not review either sequel for Flayrah. Didn't think they were furry enough. On the other hand, when dronon or someone else reviews something else I don't consider "actually" furry, I'm not in the comments complaining about it.

As far as "satisfaction" over it "losing", I feel not being nominated, period, is the bigger L. It's still an "honor just to be nominated", as they say at the Oscars. Also, something I like might get bumped.

I agree it might be a banner year, even if a lot of the smaller stuff (like My Father's Dragon or the Del Toro Pinocchio) gets ignored and it's a DreamWorks/Disney-Pixar slugfest.


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