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So, do you feel the same way about, say, Lilo & Stitch, or the Ratchet & Clank games? That they are not "furry" enough? Just curious.

I was thinking though, if Avatar 2 does get nominated, wouldn't it be satisfying to you if it actually LOST to another film? I thought that maybe that possibility would give you some form of satisfaction.

I am also thinking that it would be nice if, somehow, someway, people coordinated their votes in order to at least get six or seven nominees in some categories. That way, Puss in Boots 2 for example could still get a nomination even if Avatar 2 ends up being the more likely nominee.

Okay, that was my bad to forget about Wes Anderson, but in my defense, Aardman has been doing their animated movies for far longer, and Anderson has only made two. But I guess my thoughts went to Del Toro's Pinocchio as a possibility mainly as a "sorry" for not nominating Shape of Water. However, I admit I am not always right. I at least have enough foresight to realize it wouldn't be in my predicted top five. At best just a potential replacement in case certain films turn out worse than we thought they would.

In the end, I’ll just say that this is a pretty exciting with all these anthro or anthro-like movies being released, and I hope this year will be one of the most exciting years for the Ursa Majors yet.


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