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Well, stuff happened again.

So, I'm thinking, yeah, this looks like it ought to be a player. I mean, there's a wolf bounty hunter who is kind of all "hold my beer" to Mr. Wolf in The Bad Guys' "furries are going to go nuts for me"; with the red eyes, he's basically the distaff counterpart to Loona from Helluva Boss. So, that'll probably be a thing. Though I wonder who the hell he's supposed to be? This series already has a Big Bad Wolf ... though it also already had very different three bears ... are there going to be two self-proclaimed DreamWorks "Big Bad" Wolfs this year? One who might possibly be into drag?

As far as the 2D/3D stuff is concerned, it mostly looks pretty darn good here, and is being used to "pump up" the action scenes, so there does seem to be a point. On the minus side, we've already seen two of the jokes featured in this trailer in the last movie, so that's a bit worrying.

Also, I want to predict the little dog sidekick character is actually the bad guy. I don't know, I'm not too confident, but it could happen, and I want to brag about calling it in a couple months if it happens. If it doesn't happen, well, the random guy who one-starred me will get this shit folded, so it'll be hidden, so it all works out.


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