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Well hey, I wasn't trying to steal your thunder or anything. I am surprised myself that I made as long of a comment as I did, weeks if not more than a month in the making. ^^; Although, I am a bit disappointed that some people were more interested in the length of the comment rather than the contents of said comment.

I just wanted to highlight the potential nominees coming out this year, as I believe there is a ton, and I just got excited. The number of contenders is definitely the reason why it is as long as it is.

I do apologize for taking so long to reply. Life happens. But now I have the time to comment.

Yeah, realizing the song was actually not an original creation does not make the situation any better for me. It just further exemplifies how minimal effort is being used here just to get something up for rewards. And you know what? Next time I email the recommendations, I am going to “recommend” that they do not ever accept those types of videos, from Kathy or otherwise, ever again. How can we encourage more great independent creations if we are awarding bottom-tier material? Furry Force is better than that.

Yes. I had planned that joke ever since knowing that a sequel was definitely happening soon. It’s what guys do, right, lighthearted jokes at each other?

And about Avatar 2, we don’t know if James Cameron maybe, possibly, heard the criticisms lobbied at the original film over the years and tried to improve it. It can be done, look at Top Gun Maverick. I get how you say you don’t believe it to be furry, but some furries did. We cannot discount the possibility that maybe it will turn out to be critically acclaimed, just like Sing 2 somewhat surprisingly did on Rotten Tomatoes. And even if it isn’t a big deal like it once was, also like Sing 2, interest could reignite.

And I noticed you’re hoping Puss in Boots 2 would get the spot over Avatar 2, but didn’t you say you were worried about the art style is not fitting with how the original films looked?

Oh and Pinocchio. I kind of forgot about the possibility of that “live-action” version, thinking it wouldn’t come out this year. But I agree, it ain’t a contender. People took one look at the trailer and can already tell that “it looks creepy.” I thought that maybe Del Toro’s Pinocchio might have designs for the animal characters that are interesting enough to grab some furries attention. Then again, seems like unless its Aardman, stop-motion has mostly been ignored in the Ursas.

One more thing, don’t expect a similar list for 2023/2024. It was just an experiment for myself, and I don’t see near the number of contenders next year anyways.


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