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It's been a surprisingly busy week and a half since the original comment, actually, so we know a little more about a couple things.

Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers

This is probably the one movie that has people excited, confused, and scared all at the same time. It does seem to have a lot of elements I and some others would have liked to have seen in a movie like this. However, does this really fit “Chip ‘n Dale,” let alone “Rescue Rangers?” Well, it does seem to have good reviews right now, but still, I think soe furries will skip this.

Yes, I think some furries skipped this. It's definitely better than the cynical takes would have it, but at the end of the day it's a straight-to-streaming movie, and it's not really worth either the anger or the nomination.

Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio

Remember the thing I said about Furries possibly not liking films that are “too realistic?” Well, the fact that The Shape of Water is a Oscar Best Picture winner yet did not even get nominated for an Ursa is another reason why I believe this to be the case. I’m sure there are some furries who would like to legitimately give Guillermo Del Toro an Ursa nom or even win. So his long in development version of Pinocchio, with its cricket, fox and cat, might be the excuse to do just that.

Just setting aside anything else, the fact that their are two big Pinocchio adaptations coming out this year to rival streamers (Netflix vs. Disney+) that unlike Chip 'N' Dale probably should be completely theatrical but that's just not how the world works anymore directed by former Best Picture/Best Director Oscar winners means that they probably just blew each other's awards chances. I think Del Toro still might get into Best Animated Feature if it's even semi-okay because Netflix will campaign and the nomination voters really do actually pay attention to that sort of thing, but Ursa Majors voters, not so much, and will probably not care a lot to begin with and confused if they did care.

Of the two, the Disney+ version will probably fare worse for about the same reason Chip 'N' Dale has a solid hate base; it's a Disney remake/reboot/thing they're doing with their IP, and people hate that shit reflexively. Also, I mean, let's be honest, when was the last time Robert Zemeckis made a good movie?

Now I can admit it: I honestly thought that Sing 2 was a shoo-in for Best Motion Picture. Not just because of its quality, or because of it's legion of dedicated fans, but also because it was released late last year -- and that tends to help when voters have short memories. But instead they went for one of the FIRST films from last year. You never know.

Going to reply to Mink's comment here, too, but yeah, the fact it was a solid fourth place finisher was also surprising. Like, it felt like if it didn't win, it would be a close second, at least.


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