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It's actually only the third-longest. It's perhaps telling that then top four are anonymous, although Nuka wasn't trying to hide, he just didn't have an account. Personally I think anything more than a page is more than people will read, although that hasn't always stopped me going over 5000 characters.

| nid  | cid   | uid  | subject                       | length |
| 6069 | 63691 |    0 | Great comments Patch! I'll    |  42145 |
| 1653 |  3359 |    0 | Re: Remember furries on CSI?  |  37687 |
| 8638 | 82638 |    0 | Well, I must say, there were  |  35789 |
| 8573 | 82124 |    0 | Just about every. Single.     |  15142 |
| 5436 | 60491 | 1587 | "There are no dinosaurs in    |  14465 |
| 6977 | 69363 | 3048 | 2 posts, entirely directed at |  14039 |
| 8591 | 82292 |  415 | I just finished watching      |  13882 |
| 5401 | 59068 | 1587 | EXTRA BONUS POINTS NON-FURRY  |  12955 |
| 3693 | 46443 | 1717 | The problem is looking at the |  11925 |
| 5397 | 59583 |  415 | People can get pretty         |  11857 |


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