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Whoah, whoah, whoah, making really ridiculously long comments and/or predicting awards a year out is my thing, there, buddy! (Seriously, Green Reaper, if you don't mind, can you get out your ruler or whatever it is and check, we might have a record here.) But, no seriously, I like our new anons better. Though I guess there are some hints that "new" may not be the right word.

At first, I started to wonder if people did not like the second season as much as the first, but if the fact that there are less voters is any indication, it’s clear that the Helluva Boss fanbase is more persistent than Beastars.

I wonder if there was a bit of a backlash against Beastars/pity vote for Helluva Boss as essentially the first season of Beastars won two years in a row due to translations counting separate. Even people who like Beastars more might've felt "yeah, in hindsight, that was kind of stupid." And I guess I might as well go there, but this is where I wonder, do I get some credit here? I mean, I did post Flayrah's first article about Helluva Boss early in the year, and even pointed it out it should already have won an Ursa, but, yeah, translations happened. I also wonder if I gave Raya the final push it needed by choosing it as my Furry Movie of the Year (in addition to just Movie of the Year, Period). In fact, I have a pretty good track record matching Furry Movie of the Year with the Motion Picture Ursa Major, though this could obviously be because I'm just another basic furry with basic furry tastes. I have other doubts, as I myself obviously split the base a bit (hey, look at all those nearly automatic one stars on my comments above!), and, also, setting aside even me, I mean, how influential, actually, is Flayrah, when we can't even win the category Green Reaper petitioned the ALAA to create so Flayrah could win an Ursa Major? Also, getting back to Beastars vs. Helluva Boss, if I do have an influence, then I'm a bit to blame for the Beastars double dip as I actually pointed out in a comment here that it was eligible again.

I was going to blockquote the bit you talked about how it was surprising Sing 2 was such a non-factor in the end, but it was such a non-factor in the end you didn't even mention it. Boy, the backlash I got for having the nerve to say "meh" to that movie was wild, and apparently I wasn't the only one; Sonious retweeted a Saberspark tweet at me where the guy was just fucking getting mobbed for the same thing. And it managed to make the top ten of the Academy's stupid Oscar Fan Favorite vote as the only animated movie in that list (though, to be fair, maybe it was getting another "pity" vote for not getting nominated in the real Oscars). And, yeah, the box office was good, but, I mean, it was probably a lot of "Oh, Spider-Man's sold out? What else am I going to take the kids too? Singing pig movie? Singing pig movie." But, apparently, "meh" is actually the normal response, but it has a weird ride-or-die cult thing going on (oh, look, another one star comment rating!).

And of course, I cannot forget the unsurprising yet still disappointing win of that Carry On slideshow. And please don’t take this the wrong way. My problem was not that any of her works were nominated or even that she campaigns the way she does. I just have a problem with such blatant use of the least amount of effort as possible to make some sort of video, even if there is an original song attached to it.

Well, yeah, I mean, none of the K. Garrison stuff was actually very good when it came down to it (the Carry On illustration was also pretty weak). Also, I have to point out that that was not an original song. If it was, that's actually a really good song, and would totally be worth it!

Turning Red

Our first real contender. This movie is certainly being talked about both for the right reasons and the wrong reasons. But I think the questions relevant here are “Will it be nominated?” and “Will it win?” On the former, oh most definitely. ... Latter, however, might be a bit harder to say.

Yeah, pretty much this. I'm thinking this is kind of like my original Ursa Major prediction all the way back in 2011, when I said "Rango's better, but Kung Fu Panda 2 will win." Cause that's my feeling; which also means I'm predicting my "Furry Movie of the Year winning the Ursa" percentage to go down this year, as, also like Kung Fu Panda 2 vs. Rango, I do like both, but do think one is better but a bit more ... challenging? (If you can say that for a bunch of kid's movies.) Also, like 2011, late-breaking Puss in Boots movie coming along late in the game to possibly shake things up ...

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

In the case of this movie, a Minotaur character appears to be a character in the movie, but seems to not be major enough, since I don’t hear people talking about him.

Yeah, I've seen it, not a contender. I will say that I really was surpised at how much I liked this movie (never really been a fan of Sam Raimi's superhero stuff, though Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness are wonderful horror comedies) and then surprised to find out that it's actually not going over well, because I think it's the best MCU movie since Thor: Ragnarok (which I also don't think Thor: Love and Thunder will be much of a contender).The minotaur is not important, though, mild spoilers, he's one of the few survivors.

Avatar 2: The Way of Water

Oh look, it’s the long awaited and anticipated sequel to Crossaffliction’s most favorite movie to ever exist of all time ever. I’m sure he is singing and dancing with joy at this very moment. ;)

Oh, so, you're going to take my schtick, my possible record for longest comment, and then you're going to taunt me. Very cheeky.

But I am very curious to see how this thing plays out, both in fandom, and out. My guess right now is that it succeeds, but probably doesn't do as well as the first one, or even Avengers Endgame, but despite making more money than any of us will ever see in our lives, it's still considered somewhat "disappointing" for not. I don't see it being a contender at the Ursas (and probably less of one at the Oscars than people think, for different reasons), because it just didn't keep being a big deal, either in fandom or out (I'm reminded of the Jenny Nicholson video about visiting the Disney theme park based on Pandora, and overhearing a conversation in which a father had to explain to his son that, yes, there's a movie this is all based on), and also I may have been the loudest, but, like, the furry fandom of 2010 being unable to pick their own genre out of a lineup hasn't gone down as the most fondly remembered choice made at the Ursas. So I don't think it's even in for a nom, but if the damn thing goes for 3 billion at the box office and it not only wins Motion Picture, but its artbook wins best Non-Fiction, I mean, that's a possibility.

The first got pretty close, but Wolfwalkers got in over it, even though it was on a streaming service I didn’t think that many people had (unless they pirated it).

I follow Tomm Moore, one of the directors, on Twitter, and even he was tweeting "just sign up for the free trial, watch our movie, then quit your subscription, honestly". Which isn't pirating, but Apple+ still isn't the greatest streaming service (I do not know how the fuck they won Best Picture this year) and I'm so glad that GKIDS was able to get a Blu-Ray out, even if it was part a box set (I mean, it's not like the other two movies suck).

Avatar: The Way of Water (Or Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, or
Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio)
The Bad Guys
My Father’s Dragon
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Turning Red

I'm going to remain somewhat positive and just put in Puss in Boots over Avatar 2, with the negative caveat that if it does remain a thing, it's probably My Father's Dragon that gets the boot, rather than Puss.


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