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I mean, it just feels to me that of all the categories that shows how a split vote can impact the outcome in a purely populous game.

But I think more concerning is that as there are less and less voters per year, it does make things easier to swing.

While artists may be humble about the whole thing and just let things slide, there is nothing wrong with promoting others. Heck at the very least if someone is being populist toward themselves, then the artists could at least come together and promote one of the other 4 that are being more humble, or something. Defeat selfish populism with gifting populism I say.

I will say I'm quite happy with the outcomes for magazine and nonfiction as it's clear that people were voting based on the content rather than purely based on creator promotion.

Honestly I thought the Published Illustration numbers highlighted the means [or perhaps median to be more precise] of victory the clearest. I think as far as tragedies, I'm far more okay with them taking that category than the Dramatic Shorts one... may have actually replaced the "Vampire Skyrim Expansion" beating "Dust An Elysian Tale" for the biggest oof.

Congrats to Crossie though, Fueled did beat out Fossils.


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