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I'm confident the new setup works faster - Google Analytics suggests a ~35% decrease in page response times, 1.05s to 0.68s - but speedup will vary between visitors and pages. In general, I'd expect it to help computationally-expensive operations the most, such as generating long pages with lots of comments and processing RSS feeds. It's also 0.1s closer to most visitors (roughly 75% come from America, Canada and Mexico - the UK, China, Australia and Germany are 4/3/2/1% respectively).

CPU-wise, it's a toss-up; E3-1225 v2 @ 3.2-3.6GHz (power-hungry when boosting) vs. Xeon-D 1521 @ 2.7Ghz (even all-core, it never hits TDP; with newer, more efficient instructions and HyperThreading). In OpenSSL cryptography the difference is less than 4%. In any case, it's what Inkbunny's main server uses, so it should be able to manage; Flayrah currently uses ~25% of one CPU core. The big win is having access to more disks and double the RAM.

SSDs would be nice, but the server's also used to serve large images and video, so it needs the extra capacity still provided by hard disks. Even with WikiFur, the database's active set should fit into RAM. Both sites will stored on a RAID 10 volume at the start of the disks.


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