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So the 21st winner is Encanto. Probably bottom quarter, honestly.

Luca has the ignominious distinction of being the first original Pixar movie since 2006's Cars to not win this award (excepting The Good Dinosaur and Onward, which came out in years with two original Pixar movies).

Encanto's win brings Disney Animation Studio's win total up to 4, with Pixar's 11 wins giving Disney the corporation 15 wins in total, or over 2/3rds of awards given. Which, I mean, the fact that the company that has dominated American feature animation since it's inception has dominated the award for American feature animation isn't that surprising (it's more surprising it took over a decade for DAS to actually win).

Raya and the Last Dragon's nomination making it a double for Disney also meant that DAS has either moved ahead of DreamWorks in the all time nomination ranking (if you don't count The Curse of the Were-Rabbit as DW) or tied them (if you do) with 13. Pixar also leads that, with 16; though they've only had one double nomination year, they've been more steadily nominated.


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