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Your article is dripping with your leftist bias. But I'm not sure where to begin, since you weaved it so subtly between the lines.

You call him alt-right in the headline and link to an article saying he's a white supremacist.

However, the police said they have no evidence of his political ideology, and the woman calling him a white supremacist is Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty.

Jo Ann Hardesty is a leftist who has socialist propaganda all over her twitter account, so she can be dismissed as a lying scumbag who will say anything.

You also make this weird effort to assign a ton of significance to "Um, actually he wasn't a home owner", trying to re-paint the picture to imply that he had to walk a significant distance from his home in search of this altercation and that the "protesters" hadn't come near his home.

However, police merely corrected that he is a "resident", not a "home owner".

If we look at it on google maps, we see that Rose City Terrace is diagonally right next to Normandale Park.

It's unknown where exactly he was and where exactly the "protesters" were, since the media are so vague on the details. But it's within the realm of possibility that it happened close to where he lived.

Let's see... let's not forget that after the shooting, antifa picked up the shells and ran away and refused to cooperate with the police.

Let's also not forget that when the police held a press conference, antifa showed up and disrupted the press conference to stop the police from telling the public what they knew.

So... you have no evidence that he is an alt-right, a nazi, a fascist, or a white supremacist, etc etc.

Then you create (out of nowhere) this slander of referring to Trump supporters as alt-right.

Then you do this circular reasoning guilt-by-association thing, where He's an alt-right because They're an alt-right because He's an alt-right because They're an alt-right, because because because...

Being angry at the Marxist Antifa organization and the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization just means you're a rational human being who has morals and empathy. We watched them burn and loot our cities and beat and murder Trump supporters (and other random people) all throughout 2020.

You don't get to pretend this happened in a vacuum for no reason and that your side did nothing to provoke it.

You don't get to take leftists on twitters' opinions of him as gospel and then take rightists' opinion of him on Telegram as proof that Trump supporters are fascists.

It's not "nazis" and "alt-rights" who are murderously enraged at you scumbags. Every normal human being who has been paying attention for the last several years are murderously enraged at you scumbags.


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