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Pawsry having any kind of relation with Ahmar's blog is news to me. Seems like Ahmar has permission to post GFTV items to the blog?

Given the amount of other YouTube content Ahmar posts on the blog randomly (including non-furry items like Extra Credit/History bits) not sure why they'd need to go through and make it official in any capacity.

Ahmar tends to want to get their name in the pot, and doesn't like anyone who's critical of them. GFTV is a pretty young project, that I think is looking to expand.

Given the critical view Flayrah and Dog Patch have given Ahmar, I'm sure he approached GFTV with his Furry Times and wanted to ask affiliation. I'm not sure if Pawsry did too much research, but he too is probably also wanting to expand his audience.

But mindless expansionism, I feel personally, is one of the problems with modern journalism. It should not be about the numbers or trying to get them, it should be about trying to have decent content that informs people about what is going on.

Expansionism isn't as big a problem as proselytizing, which I will admit I've fallen short of in some cases, but it is an issue none the less.

Ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on tree, etcetra


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