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You made claims. Anyone can claim anything about anything, silly. That doesn't make it true.

First of all, you don't link to the group or messages in the group or anything else. You just expect people to believe you. That's bad.

Second of all, MAGA is not a fringe thing. It's mainstream right wing stuff, not alt-right.

Thirdly, let's pretend that MAGA is alt-right for a moment. OK. If the group does actually exist with that name, you still don't actually know if it is an alt-right group. The title could be mocking Trumpers. You do know that satire exists, right? What if it's an irreverent satirical group.

Fourthly, if it is real group and it is an alt-right group, that does not prove that all people in the group are alt-right any more than my presence here proves I am a furry. It's very common for group members to argue against the group.

Finally, yet again, all you did is make claims. Anyone can claim that you're a wife-beating puppy-kicker. That does not mean that you are.


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