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Once again you're being inconsistent with your so called 'facts'

This PROVES without a shadow of a doubt that you are dishonest, insincere, biased, and have ZERO CREDIBILITY.


I confirmed that not all of the article is false.

So I will explain to you that zero means 'no' or 0%. So if you later declare that "well there is some truth in there". It means that your claim of zero credibility has zero credibility, and was in fact based on emotion. Which is emphasized by the words being in all caps.

Once again you are accusing me of having emotions when you are the one shouting in the comment section at me with all uppercase letters. And the fact that you think emotions is equal to 'evil' or 'unjust' means you don't know how emotions work. And once again, I'm not going to take lessons of decency from someone who is speaking about emotions like a sociopath.

Sorry I made you angry, even if you don't want to admit to everyone you're angry because you live amongst people who believe winning internet arguments is the meaning of life and have told you to never show 'weakness'. But you came in here swinging at the integrity of my work, and I'm going to defend it.

Also note that a comment section is not a library. You apparently could research and find out that what was said here was true without questioning the integrity of the article or its author.


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