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Incorrect. I confirmed that not all of the article is false. That is far from confirming that the article is right. Also, you did not prove that the article is right. It would be funny if I succeeded where you failed by proving the article is right. But no, I have not proven that.

Furthermore, you did not provide the proof for important claims. Claims require evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Even if you were right about every detail, you still expect people to just believe you. That's wrong. People should not just believe. That leads to bad things such as the belief that being gay is a sin. To hell with that. Don't believe. Know.

So you are in the camp of those who want people to believe them despite the lack of evidence. So you are in the camp with priests, popes, witch-hunters, lynch mobs, and so on.

So yes, you are a bad person because you have zero respect for what is true and what is false and you demand that other people believe what you tell them to believe.

You are a bad person because you have zero respect for justice. Justice is not possible unless it is based on truth, on facts. You demand that people simply believe you based on emotions.

If you cared about justice, you would not be behaving like a person with the emotional intelligence of a toddler about it. You would be sincere, intellectually honest, and not hostile about the idea of finding the truth.

So yes, you are a bad person. Become a decent person.


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