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A couple of you folks here repeatedly claim that I am not after the truth. But since my last comment, I have basically proved that Ben Smith is polyhead from and LiveJournal and polybun from Reddit.

I also confirmed that the photos that some have been saying are photos of Ben Smith are in fact Ben Smith based on yearbooks from Indiana. Same face, for sure. This connects the dots to the posts by polybun on Reddit where he mentions growing up in Indiana and moving to Portland to get away from what he calls "podunk america".

Also, I point out that, polyhead on LiveJournal and polybun on Reddit show common interests including working as a machinist, polyhead engines, atheism, the LBGTQ community, MOPAR cars, and so on. So, no, I have not been trying to prove that Ben Smith is not polhead and polbun, I did the opposite. Also, I have not been trying to prove that Ben Smith is not right wing.

So, no, I am not trying to deny it. Quite the opposite. I have been trying to verify and I have succeeded.

Oh, and Sonious is a bad person so he/she/it SHOULD be upset. They deserve it. They should become a decent person.


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