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May want to talk to yourself about consistent messaging:

Yes, I do not know ho Telegram works (yet). You are correct about that.


This PROVES without a shadow of a doubt that you are dishonest, insincere, biased, and have ZERO CREDIBILITY.

It comes down to this - YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS TRUE

So a person with zero credibility was correct about something earlier in your comment? Both of those things can't be true at the same time.

Also, I'm going to assume you are aware that typing in all caps is a way to convey the emotion of anger? Wasn't that something you criticized me of earlier? Who was it you said that was earlier in this comment section of those who act in anger?

you fit very neatly into the role that Thrasymachus fulfills in the Republic; the person who is angered by perfectly reasonable, indeed inevitable questions for someone who seeks to arrive at truth. -

This will be my last post to you for this article here, but I will end on what now should be very much clear.

You are not Socrates.

Good day, sir.


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