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But he wasn't against racism; he shot racial justice protesters. He wasn't against police brutality; I don't know if you're up-to-date with with events more current then Ancient Greek, but police brutality and the current race protests are connected. He may have issues with the police and other forms of authority, but he doesn't seem afraid to wield his own authority, even if that authority was just "I have a gun and you don't" (except, whoops, surprise twist ending).

If you're saying the people he shot were antifa, sure, fine, let's just for the sake of argument go with that, well, first of all, your slip is showing. "I'm totally not racist you guys, but this antifa thing sure sounds scary, shouldn't we worry about them?" is a pretty well worn right wing canard. Now, to be fair, I brought up antifa, but come-on, nobody on the left is worried about anti-fascism, because it's anti-fascist.

But, second of all, your attempts to argue that it's complicated don't seem to be in good faith arguments, but a long winded (and admittedly effective) attempt to sea lion Sonious at best and more likely a rather ham-fisted attempt to obfuscate and muddy the waters of the truth, while brazenly claiming to "seek" it. Which, never mind the possible political motivations for this, I'm going to have to take exception to because that's just rude that you think I'm dumb enough to fall for it. (Green Reaper does like to take everyone at face value, but even if I take you at face value, your argument with Sonious boils down to "don't take everything at face value", so we've reached another "become fascist to fight antifa" moment.)

You and Sonious keep shouting "You haven't answered my question!" "No, you haven't answered my question!" and I'm over here like "There are fucking questions?" You keep telling me "read the ljs" and I'm like who fucking uses LiveJournal anymore, this is old news, and radicalization is a thing, I've already explained this, and, see, FUCKING SEA LION.

Anyway, you managed to seem to actually manage to make Sonious mad, so congratulations on that bit of trolling, but also rude, again. That's really what's upsetting me here, though I'm not sure how you managed it, because, setting aside the probable political motivations and just plain rudeness, you're just kind of a boring fuck.


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