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Yes, I do not know ho Telegram works (yet). You are correct about that.

When you claim to have answered my question, you are incorrect. You did not answer that question. But you now suggest that the answer is no, that you did not go to Telegram or at least that you did not go to that group because, you wrote, "people who disagree with those philosophies would not be in those rooms."

You're wrong. I am not right wing, yet I debate right wingers in right wing groups. I am not a furry, yet I am here. Your claim is absurd. Also, it shows that you are an intellectual coward. My level of respect for you has just sunk even lower.

Anyway, you are acknowledging that you do not actually know. You just believe. I have to wonder what other things you believe are true that are not true. It's obvious WHY you choose to believe something that you do not know is true or false - partisanship, bias, tribalism. You have a side and you are fighting for that side against the other side. This PROVES without a shadow of a doubt that you are dishonest, insincere, biased, and have ZERO CREDIBILITY.

It comes down to this - YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS TRUE and yet you are trying to convince other people to believe what you believe. Good people do not do that. I suggest that you become a decent human being.


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