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But, anyway, it's called radicalization. It happens all the time. The angry young man who hated Bush grew up to be an angrier man who went alt right. That's, uh, not actually weird. Happens all the time.

Even the other troll tried to blame the left for Polybun's radicalization, arguing that leftists in the Fandom pushing him away made him seek out alternative sources of socialization, one group which managed to radicalize him. That even has a grain of truth, as the marginalized are targeted for radicalization, though blaming the entire furry fandom of murder by proxy was a bit much.

My point is that even that troll understood what happened, and he didn't understand sarcasm.

I don't even know what point you're trying to make. Polybun shot those people because he was antifa? What was this, a false flag operation, and the crisis actors were just really Method? What alternate do you have to "right wing nut job went right wing nut job on some people"?

You haven't presented an alternative because you don't have one because their isn't one.


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